It’s time to build a wardrobe that helps you SHOW UP online authentically you so you exude confidence and STAND OUT from the crowd.
For all the ‘right’ reasons… As women in business, of course we want to show up looking like we know what we are talking about, be pleasing to the eye, and make the ‘right’ first impression.
Buuuuut your fashion sense is either that of a gnat or you’ve just always seen fashion as something that is for ‘those people’.
The difference between throwing something together on your own and showing up in a way that feels confident yet comfortable is creating a look that matches your personal brand with the help of your very own personal brand stylist.
We will utilize the clothes you already have while creating your very own unique Style Statement to build out a wardrobe that excites you every time you go to get dressed.
Imagine having a wardrobe full of clothes that leaves you feeling confident and uniquely you, a wardrobe that has your audience seeing you as the expert that you are, a wardrobe that has you be more memorable to the people who need your expertise.
Are you ready to build a wardrobe that represents you in every way?
From a closet full of clothes
with nothing to wear to a clearly defined and recognizable style that is uniquely me and has me stand out for all the right reasons.
I worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years, yet I never quite felt like myself. I saw how things worked from the inside, yet I was still trying to fit in. Buying a new wardrobe of clothes each time I started working at a different company seemed like the right thing to do, but I still had the dreaded closet full of clothes with nothing to wear.
Retail therapy was my go to habit, my way of escaping how I truly felt.
I always felt like I had to have the next best thing or else I wasn’t relevant.
I’d buy something new, only to discover I had 3-4 versions of the same thing already in my closet.
My comfy go to pieces made me feel frumpy and my energy reflected it.
I also never felt like myself when I was (gasp) wearing the latest trend.
When it came to getting dressed each morning I was left with more confusion and indecisiveness.
When I was shopping for something new I kept getting distracted and making the same mistakes.
It was a vicious cycle.
Until… I created my very own Stand Out Style!
and hot damn!
☑ I started to see clothes for the tool of self expression they are
☑ I stopped trying to fit into clothing that wasn’t made with me in mind
☑ I started choosing items that worked for me and my uniquely shaped body
☑ I reflected on why I wanted to buy things I knew I didn’t need, considering if I would actually wear it, before buying it
☑ I knew what truly represented my personal style
☑ I broke the celebrated habit of ‘retail therapy’
☑ I had a closet full of clothes that represented my most authentic expression of who I know myself to be
The path to get there was long and arduous for me, it doesn’t have to be that way for you…
My clients have gone on to:
Establish themselves as a leader in their targeted niche
Grow their business to fill their calendar with clients they love
Launch a membership site dedicated to sharing their passion
Consistently create and put out videos for their online marketing
Leave their corporate job and launch their own business and launch a sold-out offer
Gained the courage to try new things
Created space for and embraced their authentic self
Love every single piece of clothing in their wardrobe
Are you ready to SHOW UP Online with confidence and build your dream wardrobe that matches your personal brand so you STAND OUT from the competition for all the ‘right’ reasons?
Stand Out Style is just a click away!
This hybrid program includes 6 Video Modules:
Module 1: Build the mindset to get past THE PERFECTION PERCEPTION so you can show up wearing PJs or a ball gown and still have dream clients buying from you.
Module 2: Learn the art of AUTHENTIC ALIGNMENT between who you are and your personal style & wardrobe choices, so you show up with minimal effort exuding confidence that attracts soul aligned clients when you create training videos, go live on Facebook and show up for 1:1 meetings.
Module 3: Learn my SIGNATURE STYLE STATEMENT process that has all my clients making fully aligned fashion and style choices with ease. Not quite sure what to wear or what to buy? This tool will make it easy and effortless to look polished and put together while ensuring you are showing up professionally so you attract the high calibre of clients and contracts you desire.
Module 4: Learn the STYLE SECRETS behind creating multiple looks out of minimal pieces so you stop wasting your time, energy and money on buying more stuff that doesn’t work and start getting maximum mileage out of the pieces that work so you can show up as your authentic a$$ self and naturally attract clients that truly jive with you and your offerings.
Module 5: Learn the art of truly NOT GIVING A F*CK about the so called norms, trends and rules. Show up wearing what you want so your UNIQUE A$$ SELF shines through and you become known for your area of expertise, attracting clients, collaborations and PR opportunities aligned with your soul purpose.
Module 6: Learn how to INCORPORATE YOUR PERSONAL BRAND elements into your wardrobe so you not only ON BRAND but you also FEEL GREAT and your HOTSHOT personality shines through, attracting the calibre of clients aligned with your brand vision, in turn building trust and loyalty for long term success.
(each module has it’s own homePLAY exercise)
Not only do you get immediate access to your 6 video training modules
You also receive 1:1 support with your very own personal brand stylist!
As you work through the program you have access to 4 private 1:1 calls that you book as you work through the modules.
While the 1:1 calls will be customized to suit your specific needs, you will have support in building out your very own Stellar Style Statement as well as support and feedback to come up with new looks that not only feel amazing but are on brand.
The calls are there to support you as you step into your unique authentic self in a way that is comfortable and has you feeling confident because you know you look good and are attracting the ‘right’ types of people.
Having access to the video modules is essential to building the wardrobe of your dreams AND the real magic happens when you receive hands on, 1:1 support to up-level your wardrobe in a way that is sustainable for years to come.
STAND OUT STYLE includes 4 private 1:1 calls as you complete the 6 video training modules. That’s in Canadian dollars so if you are outside of Canada be sure to check your currency conversion.
The beauty of this program is that it is designed for you to work through at your own pace, so you can go as quickly or take as much time as you’d like. You are encouraged to book the 1:1 calls as you work through the modules, as this is how the program was designed. Availability is on a FCFS basis so be sure to book ahead whenever possible.
What your UNIQUE wardrobe really looks like:
Outfits that match your personality so you STAND OUT for all the right reasons
Full of items you feel CONFIDENT mixing and matching so you get the most out of them
Comfortable pieces that still look POLISHED and put together when you put them on
Alignment with YOUR PERSONAL BRAND so you feel more confident in how you show up online and you attract soul aligned clients and PR opportunities
Items you love because they convey your UNIQUE energy and self expression
You love getting dressed in the morning because it’s quick, easy and FUN
Learning what works for you so you make more SUSTAINABLE purchasing decisions
SHOW UP online authentically you so you exude confidence and STAND OUT from the crowd!
stand out style is available for you today!
In the 6 video training modules, I walk you through the process of building a wardrobe that has your hotshot personality shining through on screen. Plus, you'll learn how to align your look with your personal brand so you get noticed and remembered for your specific area of expertise and soul aligned clients and opportunities come to you. Stand Out Style includes 6 video training modules and 4 private 1:1 calls for personalized support as you work through the modules.
By purchasing this product, you agree to the contract and terms and conditions. There are no refunds.
Your contract will be emailed to you upon receipt of payment.