Discovering your style is deep work.

This deep work is worth it. 

As an Image Architect, I work with you to create an external image and wardrobe that matches who you know yourself to be. It is about representing your most authentic self in all ways, and using clothing as the communication tool that it is.

It helps you feel more connected to yourself and more comfortable with how you express your sense of self through your clothing. 

Your outward expression of style through your wardrobe gets to be deeply personal and aligned with your personality, values, and lifestyle.


Yet, this process can feel daunting.

I’m here to help you navigate your self-discovery as you learn to make decisions that work for you, help you feel good about dressing up, and design solutions that fit your life.


I bring my decades of experience in the fashion industry and a trauma-informed approach to coaching to support you through this discovery.

We explore your thought patterns and decision-making along the way so that you recognise why you make your current buying and style decisions, and how to approach decision-making in a way that feels authentic to you.

Finding your style is one of the most fun and memorable things you can ever do for yourself. 

It’s like getting coached through a process of self-discovery…through your closet.


 Frequently Asked Questions:


+ What is an Image Architect?

I work with you to create an external image and wardrobe that matches who you know yourself to be. It is about representing your most authentic self in all ways, and using clothing as the communication tool that it is.

+ What are all the ways I can work with you?

I customize your offering based on your specific situation and needs. In person and 1:1 services require a larger investment, while group offerings are more budget friendly. The first step is to book a consult to work with me.

+ What is the time commitment required?

The time committment varies depending on factors such as whether it is in person or virtual, can be completed in a day or stretched out over several months. This will be estimated in your custom quote.

+ How does the process work?

After your complimentary consultation, you will be sent a custom quote including details and options for you to choose from.

+ What is your guarantee?

I believe in quality over quantity and go above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction, tailoring the experience to meet your specific needs as much as possible.

I fully expect my clients to be as committed as I am to the process. Results will vary based on the actions each individual takes. Since I do not have control over this, I can not make specific guarantees but will certainly do my best to exceed your expectations.

If at any time you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to bring them up, I’m here to serve you.

+ I have questions and/or feedback, what should I do?

Any enquiries and feedback can be emailed to


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